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Special Red Deli Label | 1" Circle | 1000/Roll


Item Currently on Backorder

Estimated to ship in

Contains 1,000 1" red "Special" stickers. Special stickers can be used in a variety of ways. They can mark food wrappers that were ordered with substitutions. They can mark ingredients that are reserved for that day's special. They can mark items sitting in food cases that are on special deal for that day. They can mark orders that require special attention. The possibilities are endless! The bright red color makes sure they won't be missed. Their 1" circular size is perfect for any container or item size. Perfect for use in both front of the house and back of the house.

Clear and bright "special" label!

Product features:

  • Unit of Measure: Roll of 1,000 Labels
  • Label Size: 1" circle

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