Friday Clock Dot Label | 1"X1" Trilingual Ultra Removable | 1000/Roll
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View Related Products >Contains 1,000 clock dot Ultra Removable™ labels. These 1" square clock dot labels provide ample opportunity to increase communication in any kitchen. They are brightly colored so they can be located easily. They feature the day of the week (Friday) in bold letters and in three languages, English, Spanish and French. They also feature a prominent clock face, so ingredients can be labeled by time of day as well as day of the week. The labels can be seamlessly implemented into any food rotation system. They're ideal for ingredients that must be used by a certain day and time, or for ingredients that must cool for a specified amount of time. Ultra Removable™ labels never leave sticky residue behind. Use them on almost any surface, including glass, plastic and metal.
Track day of the week and time of day in three languages!
- Label material: Ultra Removable™ (Label Material Guide)
- Language(s): English, Spanish, French
- Label Type: clock dot day of the week, time of day
- Temperature range: -65F to 180F
- Unit of Measure: Roll of 1,000 Labels
- Label Size: 1"X1" Square
- Recommended Dispenser: Item #DAY2101
Day of the Week Set - 1 Roll of Each Day Label | 1"X1" Trilingual Clock Dot | Ultra Removable
SKU: U578
As low as $79.59