Efficient kitchen management is a complicated and nuanced goal. One small mistake by the back-of-house staff can have huge ramifications for the whole restaurant. The same is true for front-of-house. Keeping all restaurant staff operating succinctly is crucial to a well-functioning restaurant. Whether you already run the most efficient kitchen imaginable or your kitchen could use some help, these our kitchen management best practices will help you achieve a smooth and efficient kitchen.

Efficient Kitchen Management Tip #1: Kitchen Communication

The way you communicate to your kitchen will go a long way in ensuring efficient kitchen management. As a manager, your words carry a lot of weight in the kitchen. You want all communicates to be clear, concise, and friendly. You also want to use a lot of words of affirmation to encourage your kitchen staff when they are doing well. Remember to always refrain from yelling, as this is usually counterproductive. Give constructive feedback that will help your staff in the future. This will lessen the time it takes to train new employees and set a good moral in the kitchen.

Good, positive communication from the manager will also set a precedent for how employees should communicate with one another. When there is respect and trust flowing between employees, the kitchen will run efficiently with fewer issues. This communication also creates a positive kitchen atmosphere that employees want to be a part of.

Efficient Kitchen Management Tip #2: Food Rotation Labeling

Putting a food rotation label program in place in your restaurant can do wonders for how efficiently your kitchen runs. Food rotation labels create an organized and consistent system for your employees to follow. For example, your staff will no longer have to wonder or guess at how long foodstuffs have been there. They will also have clear indications of which items contain which ingredients, and thus which allergens.

While food rotation programming can seem dull and tedious, it is vitally important to efficient kitchen management. Plus, there are solutions available to you to make it less of a hassle. You can use labels that are already color-coordinated by day of the week to clearly define purchase dates. You can also use rotation labels with phrases such as “Use First” for clear instructions.

Another thing to consider when choosing a food rotation program is the language barrier. If you have a multilingual kitchen, you want to have labels that accommodate for the language different. This will prevent confusions later down the line. Bilingual kitchen rotation labels are also available in different colors.

Overall, your rotation labeling system will help avoid dangerous food prep mistakes. Bonus – if you purchase labels like Dot It’s food rotation labels, you can choose from a variety of label materials. There are labels that easily peel off, dissolve in water, and withstand freezing temperatures. You can tailor your labels to the situation, so they don’t fall off in the freezer or leave messy residue.

Efficient Kitchen Management Tip #3: Inventory Management

One thing that can quickly throw a kitchen out of order is insufficient inventory. This can stop you from preparing certain menu items, resulting in unhappy customers. Insufficient inventory can refer to either food items or restaurant supplies, so it’s important to have a solid working inventory management system.

Track food usage so your staff knows how much to order and when. Ensure you build in a buffer to account for extra busy days – you don’t want to run out of food. Pairing your inventory management system with a food rotation system makes this process easy.

Restaurant supplies should also be tracked and reordered in advance, so you are never without. A few often-overlooked back-of-house supplies include rotation labels and portion bags. Taking inventory of your supplies should also include items like disposable packaging, napkins, and beverage containers.

Maintaining control of your inventory management consistently will result in a more efficient kitchen.

Efficient Kitchen Management Tip #4: Kitchen Organization

Kitchen communication, a food rotation program, and inventory management all come down to one thing: maintaining an organized kitchen. When your kitchen is orderly and everything has a place, your employees will always know what to do. A well-organized kitchen can make the difference between a 5-minute and a 20-minute wait for a customer. It will also make the difference between chaotic kitchen management and an efficient kitchen management.

A few things to keep in line for an organized kitchen:

  • Labels. Label rolls, if not managed properly, can become unruly. Consider using a label dispenser to prevent labels from unraveling or getting tangled.
  • Portion Order the bags that go on a stand and keep them there. This way, they will be easy to use and orderly.
  • Automation. There are some parts of your kitchen that you can automate to save you time and increase your efficiency. For example, if your employees are writing down ingredients or orders manually, invest in a solution like the Date Code Genie. This results in faster labels that are always legible.

Dot It Restaurant Fulfillment specializes in brand management and offers all front-of-house and back-of-house solutions for restaurants to run efficiently. For more information, contact us today