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  1. How to Write an Employee Dress Code Policy (with Big Brand Examples)

    How to Write an Employee Dress Code Policy (with Big Brand Examples)

    Writing an employee dress code or uniform policy isn’t easy. There are a lot of factors to consider outside of the normal polo and slacks. Will everyone be issued a polo? Do you expect business casual button downs? What sort of shoes are allowed?

    You can create a uniform policy to give employees more creative space, or to keep your image consistent across the board, depending on your branding. Here are our tips on writing an employee dress code policy.

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  2. Trendy Restaurant Uniforms

    Trendy Restaurant Uniforms

    Clothing trends are not limited to the retail world. Trendy restaurant uniforms are a great way to elevate your restaurant’s brand and take your customer experience to the next level. But what are some ways to create the perfect trendy restaurant uniform?

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  3. Must Have Restaurant Apparel for Spring & Summer

    Must Have Restaurant Apparel for Spring & Summer

    As temperatures begin to rise with the start of spring and the coming summer, your restaurant staff is going to be looking for comfortable, cool and breathable clothing to wear while assisting customers dining in your restaurant. Now is the perfect time to update your restaurant apparel and ensure your employees not only look good but are also comfortable for the upcoming warmer months.

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