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4" Gauze Roll


Item Currently on Backorder

Estimated to ship in

Each order contains one 4 gauze rolls. Gauze is 4 inches wide and 4.1 yards long. These durable, conforming, stretchy gauze holds dressings securely in place without slipping. The unique filament structure ensures the gauze will cling to itself, meaning a strong and secure grip around dressings and wounds. Its uniform weave of cotton and polyester yarns creates a strong bandage that stretches and conforms even to the most awkward and difficult-to-dress areas. The gauze is latex-free and perfect for use in controlled, compression applications securing dressings and treatment of burns.

Durable and conforming!

  • Roll is 4 X 4.1 yards
  • Hold dressing in place securely
  • Sterile conforming gauze roll

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